Choosing a university to study at is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make about your education. Yes, it’s about getting an excellent education but it’s also about finding somewhere to have fun, make friends, develop skills, gain confidence and lay the foundation to realise your dreams.

We know this decision can feel overwhelming – but we also want you to be excited about this life-changing educational and cultural experience. Here are five reasons why we think you should start your study adventure story at Nelson Mandela University.

  1. Your learning experience

We are a vibrant, dynamic African university with a proud history of quality higher education that goes back a century. Through our seven faculties we offer hundreds of study programmes ranging from certificate-level to research doctorates. Our qualifications are accredited by the relevant professional bodies locally and, in some cases, internationally.

While we offer over 200 different career fields, we are leaders in automotive engineering, marine studies, community health, the built environment, art and design, accounting, education and information technology. Many of our programmes also include workplace experience as part of the curriculum, giving you the advantage of being able to walk straight into the real world of work.

  1. A home away from home

What better place to spend your study years than Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth) or George? Both are scenic destinations that give you the advantages of city living but in a friendly environment. To top that, you’ll live and study in spectacular natural surroundings – from beaches and mountains to nature reserves and indigenous forest.

Six of our campuses are in Gqeberha, with our main campus on a nature reserve and four others within walking distance of pristine beaches. Our seventh campus is at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains in the beautiful Garden Route city of George.

  1. Life beyond lectures

Part of a well-rounded university education is taking part in social and cultural activities – and we have plenty for you to choose from. From our choir, which is sought-after at international choral festivals, to marimba, surfing, debating and dance, we offer close to 100 different clubs, associations, societies and sports.

The extras that we offer are as important for your development as they are for your enjoyment. While you have fun and make new friends, you’ll also learn skills and develop qualities that improve your employability. 

The social side of your university career is important, but it’s essential that any activities are done safely and in accordance with Covid-19 regulations. For the latest information, guidance and resources, visit our dedicated coronavirus website.

  1. It’s in our name

We’re incredibly proud to bear the iconic name of Nelson Mandela, who believed in education as a force of good. He valued diversity and called on us all to treasure knowledge and never stop learning.

To honour his legacy and embrace his challenge of being “caring, responsible and innovative”, we’ve built a diverse, multicultural university in which all students feel a sense of belonging. We welcome students from our continent and from around the world.

  1. Supporting our students

We know it can be hard being so far away from family and friends, and we’re here to help you on this journey towards obtaining a qualification. To support your learning and development, and help you achieve your potential, we encourage you to use our student support services and facilities, so you can adjust to university living and make the most of your time with us.

As a dynamic African institution located at the foot of the continent, we extend our warmest welcome to students from South Africa and around the world. For a life-changing experience, join the Nelson Mandela University family and start writing your own study adventure story.

Posted on 15 December 2021 16:53:07

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